New Uses For Your Old Hardwood Planks

When your hardwood floor is too thin to sand anymore, it’s tempting to just toss the planks out without further thought after replacing your floor. Before you throw them out, have a go at these ideas for your ‘rubbish’ wood.

Make cabinets out of them – Good solid planks though too thin for your floor can make beautiful rustic cabinets for your kitchen or living room. The internet has some awesome design ideas for building beautiful cabinets out of reclaimed wood. Check those out and you won’t need to buy expensive furniture. Just build it yourself.

Make a table – Just so you can say you literally can eat off your floor.

Build a wall – Make a feature wall out of it. If you have enough old hardwood, don’t just paint your feature wall, build it! Wood not only looks great on your floor but on a wall as well.

Make decorations – From picture frames to artsy shelving units, there are so many decorations that can be made from your old wood. Instead of buying them at premium prices in stores, make them yourself. The rustic wood look is in and has become a classic trend that is here to stay.

Make it into art – It is not as hard as you think. Using the wood and its pattern, make something unique. Some people like to paint on it, distress it, or glue pictures on it to make very interesting pieces. Who knows, you may be able to sell some of your art.

Make toys – Whether you have children or not, you can make simple or complex toys for them out of the reclaimed wood from puzzles to cars. Again, the internet is a treasure trove of information on designs and how to make different toys out of wood. Just make sure there is no toxic stain on the planks you use. You can also put the planks to use in a playhouse for the children or a tree fort.

Make birdhouses – Make your yard inviting to our feathered friends. Instead of buying birdhouses, make ones out of your old hardwood.

Use them in the garden – Use the old wood for planters or flower boxes or install them as a divider for your plants. Use individual planks as sign posts to indicate what you planted in a section of the garden.

Sell them online – It’s been said that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. There is a big market for old wood for artists and woodworkers and do-it-yourselfers. People even pay a high price for historic or antique planks. If you’re not the type to build or make art out of your wood, you can turn your old wood into cold hard cash.

Give it away – If no one wants to buy your wood, give it to others who will use it and build out of it or recycle it for other materials.

Use it for firewood – If there are no toxic fumes that will come off it, use it as fuel for your fireplace or fire pit.

Ask A Custom Floor Sanding in Brisbane for ways to preserve your hardwood before giving it the toss. You might be able to have it sanded and refinished one more time.

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